Want to Vote in 2024?
If you are looking to vote this year, but don't know how to start, this page is a breakdown of everything you need to find in order to vote in Oklahoma & House District 34. Participating in elections is one of the fundamental freedoms in our society, and with this right it is our responsibility to vote.
Registering to Vote:Â In-State vs. Out of State
If you have an Oklahoma ID, you are now able to register online, by mail, or in person at your county election board office.
If you are an out-of-state citizen but reside in Oklahoma, you can register by mail or in person with this application.
REMEMBER: While you can be registered in multiple areas, you can only vote once.

Important Election Dates & Deadlines
The Runoff Primary Election will be held on August 27, 2024. August 2nd is the deadline to register to vote for this election. Although there are several runoffs across the state, House District 34 will not have an election. More information can be found here.
The General Election will be held on November 5th, 2024. October 11th is the deadline to register to vote for this election. More information can be found here.

Early Voting: When, Where, & Why
If you are unable to vote in person in your next election, you will want an Absentee Ballot. The deadline to request an absentee ballot will be 15 days before the approaching election.
Early voting allows you to vote in person before Election Day a few days sooner. Early voting for the Runoff Primary election will be held from August 22nd to August 24th. Early voting for the General Election on November 5th will be held from October 30th to November 2nd.

But Where Do I Vote? District Map and Polling Locations for Payne County
​General Polling Locations on Election Days for Payne County can be found here when we get closer to the General Election.
Your polling location will depend on what precinct you live in, which you can find below.